It's that time of year where we should take time and remember all the things we are grateful. Depending on where you are in life, it can definitely be hard to think of those things. They are there. They might be buried, but they are there.
So here is my list of things I am grateful for in 2023.
1 - Amazing friends! Maybe this should say patient friends more than amazing. This year has been trying, but I have been very fortunate to have people that give me grace and patience along the way. I don't deserve the 2nd, 3rd, 12th chances they give me sometimes but I am thankful they do, and I learn so much from them. These people make me better and I wouldn't be what I am today without them.
2 - Support. I am very fortunate to be in a job where I am very supported. My job has increased in support moving me to full time, which has given me benefits for the first time in years. I have the support of amazing companies (Innovative Percussion, Mapex/Majestic Percussion and Sabian Cymbals), and a program that allows me to outfit the percussion section with that equipment. I am very grateful to have the support from my job to take care of personal matters when needed.
I am extremely grateful for the supportive parents that I/we have. They help create the crazy ideas I have including sowing velcro to shirts for lights. They help feed the percussion program on our camp days, and the entire band before events. They build props, tables, fix casters, tighten knobs, drive trucks, etc. Basically helping to keep the ship moving.
3 - Success (as I define it). I experienced a ton of growth this year professionally. I had my busiest fall writing season, and those groups experienced positive experiences and growth. Like I mentioned earlier, my job at West Clermont is now full-time. I saw a ton of growth in my students, and I have a few taking lessons now to build off of that. I had middle school, and high school, students audition for our district honor band. This was the first time I have had middle school students audition. I had one 7th grader and two high school students make it.
There were competitive successes as well. West Clermont's Winter Percussion earned a Bronze Medal in Concert A. Southwind earned an Open Class Bronze Medal and advanced to World Class Semi-Finals. West Clermont earned their highest school in percussion in school history. One of my design clients placed top 6 at a BOA Regional, as well as winning a State Championship. The other bands I teach with were named BOA Regional Finalists at the event they went to. It was a very good year for non-competitive and competitive success.
4 - Ambition! I have always been ambitious, sometimes too ambitious, in what I think I can do. What I feel most grateful for is that that is starting to show up in my students. Earier today (on break mind you), we had our group chat shoot a few messages of a percussion ensemble piece they would like to play. They have already learned more percussion ensemble music this year, than we did last year. All while still prepping for a concert with the band. I am grateful for all my students, but I am very grateful that I have a small handful that really drive the bus and make me want to do more for them.
So I would encourge you to take some time to account for all the things you are grateful for. They don't have to be big, but they will probably brighten up your day. I know this did for me.